
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Response to Naomi Simson's BRW Article ("Love them or they will leave you: Naomi Simson’s hard-won wisdom for entrepreneurs" 03/03/15)

Hi Naomi, 

I couldn’t agree more. 

We are a service business, so without my staff I have no business. Expocentric has grown significantly over the 6 years we have been in business and now we have a very strong focus on our teams.

As part of our staff appraisal process we invite all staff to do 360 reviews of themselves, their peers, management teams and myself. This allowed us to identify the areas to improve. It appears to be working well.

The average staff member has been at Expocentric for 2 years, while a few have been with us for longer. Some returning to work at Expocentric after periods abroad, bringing with them new knowledge and perspective.

I have learnt to value the importance of the people I work with and now spend a considerable part of my role training, developing, motivating and inspiring my team to continue to grow. It has been an exciting process and I look forward to learning and growing with the company.

Kindest Regards,

Stan Kruss

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